Updated State & Territory Nomination Allocations

Updated State & Territory Nomination Allocations

In this blog we will be covering the updated state and territory nomination allocations, and the significant decrease in numbers allocated to state sponsored 190 Visas.

Understanding the Situation

Allocations are essentially limits assigned to each state and territory, dictating the number of new primary applicants they can nominate within a given year. Migration policies and allocations are subject to constant evaluation, reflecting changing economic and social landscapes.

The Government released the State and Territory nomination allocations, as per the table below. This adjustment is aimed at better aligning the migration intake with the evolving needs of the local labour markets and community requirements. We are advised this is likely to be the full allocation for 2023-24 and is not an interim allocation.

2023-24 Financial Year State and Territory Nomination Allocations:

In comparison to the allocated numbers from the previous financial year (see table below), it is evident that there has been a significant decrease in numbers being allocated to state sponsored 190 and 491 visas.

2023-24 Financial Year State and Territory Nomination Allocations:

This is extremely disappointing, and will unfortunately have a very negative impact on the potential to obtain State or Territory sponsored visa nomination. Other pathways should, at the very least, be considered.

2023-24 Financial Year State and Territory Nomination Allocations Comparative to 2022-23 Financial Year:

Key Points to Consider

Location Changes: Various states and territories have re-evaluated their nomination quotas, leading to a decrease in the number of places available for skilled migrants. This could impact the eligibility criteria and competitiveness of visa applications.

Occupation Lists: The reduction in nomination places might result in certain occupations being removed from the State and Territory occupation lists. Prospective migrants are advised to stay updated with the latest changes to these lists to ensure accurate planning.

Invitation Rounds: The decreased nomination allocations might lead to increased competition in the invitation rounds for certain occupations. Meeting the minimum points requirement might become more challenging due to the limited spots available.

trategic Nominations: States and territories are likely to focus their nominations on occupations that align closely with their economic priorities. Applicants with skills and experience in these targeted areas might have a higher chance of receiving nominations.

What this means for YOU

Early Planning: If you are considering migration to Australia, it is crucial to plan ahead and stay informed about the specific nomination allocations and changes in your desired state or territory.

Alternative Pathways: Given the evolving landscape, exploring alternative pathways, such as employer-sponsored visas or regional migration programs, might offer additional opportunities for successful migration.

Consultation: Reach out to us and one of our agents can assist you in navigating the complex landscape of migration policy changes. Our expertise can provide you with tailored advice based on your individual circumstances.

How We Can Help?

At First Class Migration Australia, we understand that navigating these changes can be overwhelming. Our team of highly experienced migration agents are here to guide you through the evolving migration policies, offering personalised advice to maximize your chances of successful migration. We stay up to date with the latest developments and provide timely information to ensure you make informed decisions.

Ready to get started? Contact First Class Migration today to begin your visa application process with the support of experts who truly care about your future in Australia.