Travel Exemptions – Who can travel to Australia?

Travel Exemptions – Who can travel to Australia?

With the ever changing guidelines and masses of information available through the media, it is often difficult and confusing to know who exactly can travel to Australia currently and what are the Australian borders actually doing. Are they open, are they closed? Below is some information to guide you during this time.

Who can currently travel?

Fully vaccinated Australian Citizens, Australian Permanent Residents and eligible visa holders can travel to and from Australia without needing to apply for a travel exemption.  Proof of vaccination must be provided.

Who is an Eligible Visa Holder?

From 15 December 2021, fully vaccinated eligible visa holders can travel to and from Australia without needing to apply for a travel exemption.

Eligible visas include:

Subclass 163Subclass 407Subclass 485Subclass 575
Subclass 173Subclass 408Subclass 487Subclass 580
Subclass 200Subclass 410Subclass 489Subclass 590
Subclass 201Subclass 417Subclass 491Subclass 590
Subclass 203Subclass 444Subclass 494Subclass 785
Subclass 204Subclass 449Subclass 500Subclass 786
Subclass 300Subclass 457Subclass 560Subclass 790
Subclass 400Subclass 461Subclass 571Subclass 870
Subclass 402Subclass 462Subclass 572Subclass 884
Subclass 403Subclass 476Subclass 573Subclass 988
Subclass 405Subclass 482Subclass 574 

All other people seeking to travel to Australia must apply for a travel exemption.

For further information visit: or contact us at First Class Migration Australia at

Ready to get started? Contact First Class Migration today to begin your visa application process with the support of experts who truly care about your future in Australia.