Temp Skilled Migration Income Threshold to increase

Temp Skilled Migration Income Threshold to increase

Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold to increase 1 July 2023 & Subclass 482 Transition to Permanent Residency Update!

Temporary Skilled Migration Threshold Increase:

The government has announced that they will increase the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT) from $53,900 to $70,000 from 1 July 2023.
All new nominations lodged ON or AFTER this date will be required to meet the new TSMIT of $70,000 or the annual market salary rate which is higher. Applications lodged before 1 July 2023 will NOT be affected. For further information, please visit: https://minister.homeaffairs.gov.au/ClareONeil/Pages/temporary-skilled-migration-income-threshold-raised.aspx

Subclass 482 Transition to Permanent Residency:

The Temporary Residence Transition (TRT) Stream of the Subclass 186 employer sponsored visa, will be available for ALL 482 TSS visa holders!!!
⭐ Applicants will need to continue to work in their nominated occupation and occupations will NOT be limited to only the Medium and Long Term Skilled Occupation List.
⭐Applicants will be eligible after 2 years of employment on their 482 visa, reduced from 3 years.
⭐ All other nomination and visa requirements of the TRT stream of the Employer Nomination Scheme will need to be met.
⭐ The limit on the number of short term stream TSS visa applications will be removed to facilitate the transition. 

Ready to get started? Contact First Class Migration today to begin your visa application process with the support of experts who truly care about your future in Australia.