Flights between India and Australia have officially been suspended until 15 May 2021

Flights between India and Australia have officially been suspended until 15 May 2021

As the current COVID-19 situation continues to worsen in India, the Australian Government have suspended all flights to and from India.

In a committee meeting this morning the Prime Minister addressed reporters saying “We recognise that there has been a very significant outbreak in India. Today we agreed, in addition to the measures that I announced after the last National Cabinet meeting, to pause direct passenger flights between India and Australia until the 15th of May.”

This comes following the PM’s decision last week to reduce passenger arrivals from India by 30% – with all passengers having to undergo a PCR test within 72 hours prior to departing their last port of call – mounting pressure and an escalated situation has resulted in a complete closure of Australia’s borders to India all together. 

India recorded the worst single-day increase in recorded cases in any country since the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic. 

These travel restrictions will be reviewed on the 15th of May with an update regarding border closures. 

If you require further information or assistance, please contact for details. 

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