The benefits of an initial consultation with a migration agent.

The benefits of an initial consultation with a migration agent.

There are numerous reasons as to why a paid consultation with a migration agent would be of invaluable use to visa applicants.

Whilst the Department of Immigration’s (DIBP) website, various forums and Facebook pages provide advice as to the type of documentation that is required, it does not highlight the significance of when it is required to be provided.

Further, not fully understanding information provided by DIBP can significantly impact your visa application and potentially harm your chances of remaining in Australia.

Some applications require specific documents and information to be provided at the time you submit your visa. Others can be provided at any time through your visa application processing.

Examples of these visas include Temporary Graduate (Subclass 485), Partner Visas, Employer Nomination Scheme, General Skilled Migration etc.

It is also exceptionally simple to miscalculate your eligibility for certain visas or be unaware of other options available to you.

An example of this is one of our clients whom wanted to apply for a Parent visa. Our client believed that the Contributory Parent visa was the only available option for him and his wife and was preparing to pay in excess of $80,000.00. After a consultation with us, he realised he was eligible for another Parent visa which was significantly less costly and with similar benefits.

Another example would be if you are interested in applying for General Skilled Migration. This is a points-based system, visa applicants gain points in accordance with their age, qualifications, work experience, English language level etc.

It is very easy to miscalculate your points and subsequently have your visa refused on the basis of not meeting the required number.

First Class Migration charges a fee of $220.00 (Incl. GST) to assess your eligibility and advise on the visa application process.

In hindsight, this fee is small in comparison to potentially not meeting the legislative requirements for your visa and losing thousands of dollars paid to the DIBP in visa applications fees.

Aside from the costly aspect, there can also be serious repercussions on your visa status in Australia should you receive a refusal.

We are passionate about assisting those wanting to migrate to Australia. Please do not hesitate to contact our office for a consultation to ensure your eligibility for an Australian visa.

Ready to get started? Contact First Class Migration today to begin your visa application process with the support of experts who truly care about your future in Australia.