NEW Labour Market Testing Requirements

NEW Labour Market Testing Requirements

NEW Labour Market Testing Legislative Requirements
Following on from our newsletter yesterday afternoon regarding the introduction of the Skilling Australians Fund (SAF) levy on Sunday 12 August 2018, we can now confirm details of the new Labour Market Testing legislation.

The new Labour Market Testing requirements are as follows:

  • The sponsoring employer must evidence they have advertised the nominated position either vianational recruitment websitesnational print media or national radio.
  • The position must have been advertised twice and this can be done concurrently via the same advertising method above, i.e. two adverts are placed on national recruitment websites concurrently.
  • The advertisements must have been placed in the last 4 months and be live for at least 28 days.
  • The advertisements must confirm the job title, duties and responsibilities, salary range and the employer or recruiter.
  • The advertisements must all be written in English.
If you have any questions with the above, please do not hesitate to contact your Registered Migration Agent for further information.

All other enquiries: 

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