2025 Occupation Shortage List (OSL) Stakeholder Survey

2025 Occupation Shortage List (OSL) Stakeholder Survey

2025 Occupation Shortage List (OSL) Stakeholder Survey

Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) is seeking input from employers and industry associations to identify occupations in shortage. Strong representation is crucial for occupations to be added to the OSL or removed from the CSOL.

If your occupation is not currently recognised as in shortage, this is your opportunity to provide evidence and influence the list. Your insights will help shape the 2025 OCL  based on real workforce challenges.

The survey closes Friday 7 March at 5pm (AEDT).

How We Can Help

At First Class Migration Australia, we understand that navigating these changes can be overwhelming. Our team of highly experienced migration agents are here to guide you through the evolving migration policies, offering personalised advice to maximize your chances of successful migration. We stay up to date with the latest developments and provide timely advice to ensure you make informed decisions.

Contact Us

If you have any questions on the above article please do not hesitate to contact us.

02 9999 6668

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